Be Not Fearful
Shiloh sat crying still she smelled meat. Some on had put meat on the fire and her stomach started to growl with hunger. She stood on shaky legs and went over to the raw meat someone had also opened for the taking. She wanted the tender liver for her self and took out Saxifs dagger. She didn't know why she wore it just that it made her proud to know how to use it. She had kept it sharpened and found that even with shaky unsteady hands, she could cut into the dear easily, taking the liver and some of the back leg for herself. With her normally pink hands stained red she left the deer and went back to her spot at X'yrins feet, eating the soft liver quietly, the dagger stabbed into the raw earth she sat on.

Shiloh watched the others with interest. This was her family now and she wanted to get to know some of them. The male that seemed to be tending the fire seemed kinda distant and she wondered who he was. He didn't talk but had acknowledged the female who didn't seem to be able to shift. How very interesting that she couldn't shift, Shiloh thought to herself as she watched the silent man with curious eyes. He reminded her of Ralla who had always seemed to be tending to the great firewith she was at AniWaya. What had the non shifting female called him? Primpyt? Prippy? No those didn't sound right to her and shepp tried to call him. "Pri......Pripyat! she yelled at the silent male. She was surprised that her voice had came out so clear and she instantly looked down. What was going on with her? Why was her heart racing?

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