kanashiku nai desu ka?

He was perfectly aware of the fact that he had absolutely no idea what went on in the world anymore. With his alpha position left behind in the smoldering ashes of the fire, he was no longer required to know, and it didn't really bother him. Ignorance was certainly bliss in this case. His world now consisted of just a few dozen square miles of empty forest, a mostly deserted territory that no one had laid claim to and that few people cared to wander through. The affairs of Inferni and the wolf packs did not concern him, and he liked to pretend that people he knew didn't still live out there. Laruku didn't want to know that Melisande's brother had walked the path of a murderer; he didn't want to know that his daughter lived in a clan that seemed to be perpetually at war. He didn't want to know that the once members of his once pack were still fighting against all the things he'd failed to protect them from. He wanted to think that removing himself from their lives had been enough to ensure their prosperity; obviously, this wasn't the case as there were more problems in the world than himself, but still. It was nice to think things were that simple.

No, he answered simply, I haven't left this forest at all. I haven't visited Twilight Vale or Cercelee's pack. I haven't seen anything of Inferni. I have no idea what war they're waging. And it didn't really seem to matter whether or not he did. What good would knowing really do? There was nothing he could do about any of it because firstly, as a wolf with no ties anymore, it didn't really concern him, and secondly, he no longer had the authority or control to do anything political. He was a ghost in the forest was all, and it was better he stayed where he was. He didn't need the world's problems, and the world did not need him making anything worse.


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