i'm still here

WC:000+ - ohyeah. Big Grin

At the ruined flower, Sky gave a tiny gasp, then laughed along with him. She was still smiling when Ephy found his voice again. D'Arte's famous for its natural beauty. You'll find nothing else around here. She mused proudly, more than willing to brag about her beautiful home. It's been a quick recovery. My mate was probably worse off than me with all his worrying. She joked, casting a side-long glace behind her in the direction of Thornbury, where Tal was last she'd checked.

But my Tameri's kept me busy. Keeping up that that little furball isn't easy sometimes... She murmured, referring to the little girl Tal had adopted. Sky had, of course, instantly accepted the girl as her daughter. What else could she have done? Tammy was a sweet little angel when she wanted to be. Sky loved her like her own flesh and blood.

Oh! You don't know about Tammy! Sky realized aloud, excitement instantly warming her expression. When I came home, I learned that Taliesin had adopted a little girl while I was away. Her name's Tameri. You'll have to meet her before you go. She smiled brightly, tail waving behind her in that odd way.

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