Castle Ruins
Terra snorted in disbelief. She knew that many of the canines that came here were injured in one way or another, but hearing of family betraying family and pack turning on itself was disturbing. It was wrong in so many ways. Well, that explains your wounds. For a moment she was silent, contemplating the story she'd been told. It was quite different from her own, though strangely similar in some ways.

I must say, you've come to the wrong place if you hate luperci. The place is crawling with them. That's why I came here myself. Stretching Terra stood back up, nuzzling the other wolf. Fate must have quite the tale in store for you. Chuckling to herself she thought of all the things that could happen to a luperci hating wolf. They could be chased away, they could start a war, they could form a new pack. There was already a new pack that had formed though, and Terra didn't feel the land was ready for another, no matter what the reason was. Invite me along for the ride? Whatever the circumstances, Terra was drawn to the strange white wolf. She wanted to be part of whatever happened.

Hungry herself Terra began eating from the corpse. It was a good find. Despite being already dead, it was only a couple days old, the meat still slightly tender. All the warmth was gone though, and she found herself wishing for a way to warm it up. A thought struck her at this point. He might hate luperci. She was a luperci. Startled by this revelation she backed up.

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