Castle Ruins



Hate them? he questioned, brow furrowing slightly. I did…yes, but…now I’m not so sure. He was no longer bothered or wary anymore and he easily poured out his soul to her. She’d helped him, and provided him with company. He began to remember what it was like to have a conversation, what it was to be near someone else. Whatever my father was saying about me must have been a lie. I don’t remember doing anything to deserve what happened…Was his talk about the Luperci a lie as well?He questioned out loud, not necessarily needing an answer, it was more to himself- an internal conflict shared with the world around him. But…then I think about my brother…What could have happened to him if not murder. Or was he simply lying about ‘who’ murdered him?

He looked away, lost in thought, when she spoke his head snapped back. He bristled suddenly. I had no idea…the only thought I had was ‘run.’ And these Luperci…Do they? He stopped himself before his hundreds of questions had the chance to break away from him in an overwhelming flood. I thought I smelled something. He flicked his black misted tail. I can’t go back.He said firmly. I won’t go back. He felt her nuzzle him, and lowered his eyes, his face growing heated. He hadn’t expected that. I suppose so, he replied, his voice suddenly quiet.

He looked awkwardly away, his gaze fixed downwards. His ears twitched. It may not be a pleasant one, he warned, regaining his normal tone. I know where I’ve been, but I don’t quite know where I’m going. He let his voice trail away and began to settle down in the grass. He let the conversation fade into silence, tucking his nose into his tail. He watched her tug at the tough flesh, thinking to himself what sort of encounters awaited him. He would be better next time, he was determined to be.

When she backed up he lifted his head to gaze quizzically at her, raising a brow. His eyes slightly narrowed. What? He asked, confused. He looked around them, seeing nothing, then looked at her again, growing suddenly anxious. There was something strange about the way she was looking at him. Was it something I said?

Table Template by the Mentors!

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