Hunting Fail
Amaris watched, slightly tense, as Kiara stood up and shook the mud off. Standing up, Amaris could tell just how much bigger she was. Amaris watched the wolf flex her muscles and found herself relaxing. So far, no attempts to eat her, and the wolf seemed nice enough. Amaris stretched on her toes and then leaned forwards in a luxurious stretch pulling all the muscles throughout her body. Too much tension was never particularly conducive to warm, loose, long muscles and hunting required quick, fluid movements which in her jerky-nervous-jittery-horrible condition Amaris just wouldn't be able to cope with. She forced herself to breathe long and deep and was surprised to find a smile on her face. It had been too long since she'd talked to anything intelligent. And wolves were.... very intelligent, though the little fox's pride wouldn't ever allow her to think of them as superior to her, even the Luperci variety.
"Nice to meet you Amaris. I still think we should switch to a different prey. Pigs are strong and dangerous, not to mention we have lost our element of surprise. The sow I was chasing earlier has probably returned to the group and it would be dangerous to go at them with only...the two of us. If you can chase the rabbits to me, I can kill them. Together we should be able to catch several hares."
Amaris felt herself bristling slightly again. She was small, yes, but she was sure she was capable of catching whatever any wolf could catch. She was a fox but foxes were awesome, right? Resourceful and agile and all that. She was perhaps rather arrogant, and she had a prickly pride. Somebody - anybody - dismissing her abilities in such an important subject as hunting insulted her very deeply.
The wolf had set off, though, and there was no time to take offence in a hunt, especially no time to take offence at somebody quadruple your size or more. Well, there was no time for much of anything in a hunt, and Kiara was getting further ahead, so Amaris pulled her paws into a quick, silent trot after her.
Amaris followed Kiara down a trail. Her nose, so used to picking clear, defined scents from cold northern air, was confused by the jumble of scents in the forest, but she could scent the hare and she knew vaguely where she was headed.
Amaris spotted the rabbit eating leaves off a bush and instinctively crouched down behind Kiara, carefully slipping out into the bushes behind the white wolf. She was all too aware of her light pelt and kept low, slinking through the undergrowth, her paws, used to snow, easily clearing the leaves and twigs and coming down with no sound.
She flicked an ear at Kiara as a signal. I'm ready. Then she took several steps very quickly towards the rabbit and jumped for it. If she hit, game over. If she missed, it would run towards Kiara. Hopefully, this was a win-win situation.
Amaris decided she liked hunting with wolves. Already.

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