Blood sweat tears

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Amaranth Catori

Amaranth looked at her brother. "Its too late now for what ifs and well it might have. Amaranth looked at him and smiled. "We are catori's we are brave we are strong and we are to stupid for our own good. she said as she looked at him. She laughed as she tried to break up the doom and gloom it was really bringing her down.

She started to walk away signaling for Liam to fallow her. She couldn't just stand there she had to move she had to ignore the fact that not everything was ok. "You have to promise me something" She said as she walked. She had never really been one to care but becoming a mother might have been the best thing to ever happen to her. "Promise me that you will survive." She said after a long pause. She stopped looking at all the damage. So little time had passed since the Aniwayians had left. Destruction and death had been left in the wake. "And that you will take care of mom and the pups. She wasn't sure this war would let her survive. She was going into it head first. And Liam was lucky he had gotten the genes of their mother and those of Vigilante. He was more level headed then her true father Leroy. She was bull headed like her dad short temped like her uncle and the only good trait she got was motherly love. We'll tell the pups if they ask, we'll tell them of their gallant uncle who saved our mom and died defending her to the end. We'll try to brush out some of the bad about him. After all a man who gives his life isn't all that bad." She placed her staff in the ground as the wind blew.

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