
Slight powerplay so that Gabe aint on top of him when Iskata arrives. She'll post next.

[Image: tablespacer.jpg]

Laugher filled the empty space in the church, but Haku remained silent. His muscles started giving in, and he let his gaze flash away from the male on him as time slowed down. Red. It was not fear that grabbed him, just a heightened sense of things. He slowly realized he was not immortal. Part of him had known from the start, but the rest of the beast within had not. His fist had hit the target well enough, but he was not much closer to salvation. Whatever he had left of strength was used on keeping the monster on a somewhat distance, but it could not stay for long.

His chest burned and dribbled with red. His neck was on fire, together with lesser cuts from the beast. This was not releasing pressure, this was emptying a container. Haku snapped his jaws after flesh around the behemoth’s shoulder area, not furious nor angered, really. Haku was on his back with the half shifted hybrid on top of him, and he worked his feet under the male and kicked at the same time as he twisted his body around, ready to get up on his legs and. What, take off? Time was something he could not be granted. Whatever happened, he would live on, he would simply be sent back to the place where he came from.


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