Friendly Ambush -DND-
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ooc: 363 Words

Her aim was true, her agility and dexterity aiding in her successful and swift attack. Applying enough pressure to announced her victory, she swept wide from the male in a graceful round, dancing on the tips of her paw. They were at ease, yes. This bout just a casual game to assess the other's still but as she put more of her effort, her concentration, she felt this exhibition as more of a spar and less of a game. Her demeanor gradually changed internally, her footing becoming more purposefully and strong, though a content smile remained on her muzzle.

Had it not been for Jaden's change in form she would have continued, but paused to allow him space to transform. Her own body swiftly altered from four legs to two. Her form remained crouched in the midst of transformation. Feral claws digging into the morning soil as the whole of her contorted and stretched to its new height. Auburn locks cascaded down her back and shoulders still matted and unkempt whilst shaggy bangs obscured her eyes. She threw them back with a sharp toss of her head then assumed a forward stance, her body quickly rising to be on level with the Shishen. She shifted her weight to her back leg while one came forward in advance. Her arms remained near her sides, palms facing forward in an open gesture... almost inviting. Yet her opponent's stance was similar, awaiting arrival of the first strike.

The taut tension of her back leg was used to suddenly propel her forward. She sped forward, though not as agile as she would have liked. Still not used to performing on two legs after many seasons on four, she was struggling with retaining balance and exertion of energy. But her love for the spar outweighed the odds stacked against her. When near she dropped down suddenly, momentum putting her into a skid as a long leg swept beneath him in an attempt to cut his legs from under him.

The way of the Exultare encouraged diversion of negative energy to positive; diffuse force into a positive. But then, she was not the one being attack... And so improvisation was called for.


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