Of Deer and Ichika

i hope this is ok | +402

Eyes scanned over the terrain noting tree and bush locations and how the ground flowed through the area. Temo pondered how the deer would react to the others chasing them and where they would run to. The one thing he knew for sure was that even with all the studying and planning, it all came down to luck in having a deer end up in the right spot. The most one can do is try and hedge the odds in one's favor.

Temo decided on a likely hiding spot that was covered by some underbrush and next to a likely route for deer that are terrified and running away from danger. He made his way over to the spot and crawled under the bush and wriggled around. He scratched at the humus with his claws digging them into solid ground for traction when he made his leap and settled in making sure there would not be any branches that might snag on him when he leaps out for the attack.

He did not have to wait long before he heard the signal to start the chase and close behind he heard the pounding of cloven hooves draw near as Jace and the others that followed her chased the deer into the jaws of their trap. His muscles tensed and bunched up under his fur as his vision narrowed down to see only the approaching deer.

His focus turned onto one medium sized doe that made the decision to run by him. A decision that will soon prove fatal to the doe when, all at once like a mighty spring, his tensed muscles released launching him out of the brush. Spooked by the sudden movement, the deer tried to jump away, but it was too late as the Temo's jaw clamped down onto the doe's neck and began applying pressure that would crush the windpipe.

The doe put up a valiant fight leaping around trying to dislodge the wolf that was hanging on with teeth and claws. but it was all in vain as asphyxiation soon took over and the deer tired out and sank to the ground and Temo stood over the carcass, his jaws still clamped on the neck waiting for the dying gasps that would not bring air into the deer's lungs stopped. Blood from a jugular that was severed during the struggle dripped from his mouth as he panted from the excursion.

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