You're an island and my ship is running ground
Deuce watched her silently. There was no easy way to tell her what was happening. Deuce had experianced the same thing before. She knew how it felt, the moment Naniko described it. It hurts...really bad. In waves. I fell down the front steps earlier today... A pang of sadness crossed Deuce's face before she turned away to reach into her pack. She dug through it and found a few herbs and roots.

She offered them to Naniko. There's no easy way to tell you this, Naniko, so I will just have to be blunt. Your fall has pushed your body into an early labour. A labour that is too early is fatal for the pups. A miscarriage. She looked at naniko, sorrow in her eyes. There's nothing I can do but be here with you.... She bit her lip, then took naniko's hand, stroking it, not in a sexual way, but in a comforting way. A way that said 'I've been here, i know the pain you are feeling and willl continue to feel. I wish I could make it go away'.

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