[M]It Grew toward the Wild
Only the naive, can ever underestimate the nature of a killer. Some beast to be taunted, someone to run up to and prove yourself, to claim some personal goal of testing ones self against another. The only truth is, to become that which you crave, you can't challenge, you just have to be it. Every bit of sinew was primed, ready to strike if one ounce of defiance showed within the female. He was the dominant, no ounce of him thought differently. Eyes studying as much as they where menacing, the visual of her tail was not lost on him even as she offered slight signs of submission.

Her lips peeling back, and that growl where meet suddenly as his body moved lightning fast, much faster than he would be able to in his full battle regalia. The strike came quickly, back legs propelling him forward, lips pulling back as those deadly fangs snapped open in a heart beat. Deep down he didn't want to hurt her, but that was so far suppressed underneath the feral ferocity at the moment the thoughts didn't register that he would in fact do so.

The strike came as an extension, his teeth flashing as his body moved forward, the bite intended to strike across her maw, to quickly subdue her.

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