You're an island and my ship is running ground

"I was just so excited that he was there...he doesn't really visit...and Apollo was playing with him. It's so hard to keep track of them without you there--you were so good with them.." Her voice tapered off into a whimper, her fingers squeezing around the older wolf's. It was like riding a roller coaster...and each hill of pain was higher than the next. It felt like her organs were fighting with themselves, trying to expel the premature pups.

"There's nothing that...we can do? Nothing?" But she said that there wasn't. She closed her eyes in frustration and anxiety, waiting for the next wave to come over her again. "A-ahh.." Naniko had broken both of her legs before, but that pain was nothing compared to this. This was harsh, growing more and more constant. The pups would be less than a month old...too young for this world. In a few more minutes there was a sudden gush, fluids rushing out of her.

She gasped, looking to Deuce, unsure of exactly what was going on or if it should even be happening. She had seen Dierdre give birth, but that had included seeing actual, somewhat normally sized pups. Hers wouldn't even be near that stage. She could feel as they were pushed involuntarily out of her, and when it all was over she lay back, panting, unsure of what she should do or even say.


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