A dream is a wish your heart makes

Wow, now its a party XD, pardon the rudeness

The woman was quick to go to work examining the infant. Her careful hands rubbed the little one's thin body as she yipped tiredly at being woken up. The woman smiled, if they could get the tiny thing somewhere warm and with milk she figured it was strong enough to stand a chance. Ren looked up at the new-found mother confidently "Its hard to say, we need to get you both out of this weather." She let the small pup snuggle close to her caregiver and the Kenpo took some of the things the Ichikan female was carrying and took the wieght off of her.

When the male, whom caled himself Aleo, arrived however, the blue one went from business to alert in the blink of an eye. She saw how his presence made the new mother feel and quickly put herself between her and the new comer. She called on her most dominant self and held the males gaze with a cold stare, telling him she wasn't in the mood for anything he might have up his sleeve. She sneezed to clear her senses of loner puppy and rotting flesh....Where is that coming from anyways?she thought, and got a clear sniff of the male. He was a loner as well, but his lack of agression told her he was not the father of this child.

The woman relaxed alittle at the sight of another Ichikan coming to help. She allowed the two females to talk of the pup behind her while she held the steady wall between them and the male. Finally, she thought she was being rude enough and adressed the male. "I'm Rendall, the scout for the pack just alittle way from here. This is Shiloh, and Kaira, they are apart of the pack and the little one is Sarian." Ren kept her words monotone still. She wasn't going to let a child so young be in any danger. Her heart warmed at the sound of the little one's name warmed her heart, but she didn't show it in her voice.

She really didn't want to be rude to the male, but a child's life was in danger and she needed to get these wolves back to Ichika no Ho-en. She turned alittle to the female's behind her, adressing the white one, the one whose name she heard was Kiara. "We should probably get back to the pack land. We can do more for her there than we can here." She looked back at the male. Deciding to keep her guard up until they crossed the border. She would allow him to tag along but only at a distance. She stood there between the small group and him, waiting for them impatiently to decide what to do.

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