New Day [Celebration Thread!]


“Are you looking for me, Momma?” the fae voice preceded the girl into the clearing. Titania appeared just a second later, but the girl who emerged through the brush was not the same girl her pack had seen before. Instead of trotting up on four paws the fairy princess walked steadily toward her pack on two legs, a broad smile on her muzzle. It had happened that morning just as the rising sun cast citrus hues in the eastern sky. It had started as a tingling itch that grew, and just when Titania thought she was going to rub and scratch herself to death a calmness overcame her being. That was when the girl felt compelled to lay down in her favorite place among the mushrooms and moss of the forest and watch the sky lighten through the trees. When she arose hours later it was in her new body, with hands like her father’s, and height (or lack of) to rival her mother.

She had been to the oasis to see her reflection and was quite pleased with her new look. Her mane had grown in wild, with tight curls and shocking red vibrancy that bounced about her shoulders merrily as she walked. She was downright miniature; there was still time for the adolescent to grow, but with the petite Takekuro woman as her mother and her illness as a pup it was likely she would remain a small size. That was just fine with Titania, who enjoyed stories of little fairy creatures, and fancied herself like them, but only time would tell.

At first she didn't know why they'd been called to meeting, but as she walked up she overheard what Skye and the others said. She especially tipped her ears to Rory, hearing him praise her on a job well done. Well, she did do a fine job on caring for the pack, and Skye was the only alpha Titania could remember, but still she knew that once her own father was the leader of this pack, and she felt a small jolt of offense when he wasn't mentioned. Still, it wasn't something to bring up, and he would probably be getting his due when he showed up. She glanced around and confirmed that he wasn't there yet. That's funny, where was he?

Her curiosity over her father's whereabouts quickly fell to the wayside though when she saw her mother's astonished look. It made her smile and laugh softly. “You better get that away from her fast, before she drops it.” She said to Rory and nodding at the pumpkin as she stepped up to her mother's side, her head barely coming up to Orin's shoulder.

“Happy Founding Day!” She said to everyone, then held out her arms and did a little twirl, showing off her newly discovered form. “What do you think? I thought I'd feel... taller...”

Image courtesy of mourner@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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