[M]It Grew toward the Wild
Fur against fur, she was proclaiming her choice, and he shivered as she ran along his sides, rubbing her scent all over him. Instinct deemed this only natural, two wolves of the same age, a match in size as well as temperament, to deny the call of his nature would only be denying what he really was... a wolf. Her growl caused his hackles to raise, followed by her possessive nip. Saluce had gotten himself into this, now he'd follow through with his actions. He had wanted her as his since seeing her and now she was announcing her ownership of him, it was only natural for him to act in this dance.

His head swiveled returning her nip with one of his own, then licking the fur across her neck. Saluce rubbed his head over her fore shoulders, rubbing scent glands all over her as he turned to rub against her side, not letting himself be out done. No now she was his as well, and all that entailed. He'd fight off anyone now, whether he rationally realized it or not. Saluce walked around her until he was shoulder to shoulder with her again. But his muzzle didn't stop as it inched over her neck, licking passionately, he still had yet to claim her proper. The behemoth let his teeth sink into her soft flesh there as he lifted a paw over her back.

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