[M]It Grew toward the Wild
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She hadn't the slightest idea what she had gotten herself into, all that mattered was that the course of the dance felt 'right. This was how it was meant to transpire without any sense of doubt. And what more, this side of her wanted this to happen. Her senses had been waiting, body priming for what only it knew would follow.

Her body moved to his receptively, curving against his own as she was basked in his overwhelming scent. He came to stand beside her, their forms gradually melding into the other's as she lowered her head to nuzzle against his chest. She felt his fangs grasp the neck of her neck but made no sound of distress, even as a large limb slipped over her back. Had he wanted to hurt her, he could have done so already. The strike to her muzzle was proof enough of this. But the male she offered herself to, who she claimed, was not the hardened beast so keen on having her submit to him. Though she had bent to his power it was not out of fear, but understanding. Fighting against the pull of nature was futile, especially when it presented these pleasurable experiences when one cast aside the rational mind. She intended to give in to its fullest extent.


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