good luck has it's storms

The young girl charged away from her adoptive mother, leaving her to her fate as she rushed out to find the man she called father. For all the excitement bubbling up within her fear was also a major factor, fear that the same thing that had happened to her birth mother would happen here again, that maybe it was her fault and that she was cured, she should stay away and let Io give birth in peace.. yes that was what she would do, leave them in peace. She reached the porch and shot off into the true wilderness, the trees loomed above her and the dark clouds that boiled in the clouds gave her strength. She followed his scent trail until it became lost in the other myriad of smells so the woman threw back her head and howled.


The hunter was pleased with the catch he had procured. The small family of rabbits would help feed his soon to be growing family. The man regrettably had to kill them all after he had realized that the adults he had trapped had youngsters to take care of. He learned this as a small pup had wandered out of the burrow drawn by the cries of its parents. The man had immediately pounced upon the child and killed it instantly before checking to see if there were any more, there weren't as far as he could tell. The twist of wire he had used to ambush the adults was gathered back up and tied neatly to a loop from his belt. A short rope was unknotted off and he tied the rabbits together into a brace by their feet so they would be easier to carry.

He froze as a howl came through the forest and León pushed himself to his feet, returning the locator howl. 'I'm here, I'm over here.' It didn't take her long to find him and she stood stiffly in his presence, still not forgiving him and addressed him shortly in their native tongue,

"They are coming now. Io wants you." The unsaid question rang sharply in the charged air 'Although I don't know why she would' He dipped his head and gestured to her, "Return us then daughter." Effectively ruining any plans she had to disappear off until after the birth as he had known she would have, after all what what kind of father would he be if he didn't know his own daughter. The journey back was hurried and silent although by them for different reasons. He could only hope that one day she would forgive him, if not that then at least forget. He knew he didn't deserve even that but it did not stop him from dreaming that one day his daughter might love him again.

As they climbed up the porch the skies above them opened up finally with a giant roll of thunder, it was so loud that his ears pulled back, the storm was right on top of them. Lightning whipped through the air and he hurried her inside, they were safer inside, the man had deliberately installed a lightning rod stolen from one of the other houses onto theirs, the last thing he wanted was it bursting into flame.

Analise went her own separate way to find Aeron who was in her room with the cats she had found from somewhere. The man did not mind the felines as long as they stayed relatively out of trouble and away from his pups. That was where he drew the line, he would not tolerate the feline predators near his precious children. Boxes were piled here and there evidence that they were not finished moving in and building material everywhere to prove the b&b was not yet complete.

He was cautious as he approached the door to Io and Aeron's room as he understood that sometimes women went a bit crazy with the birth of thier children, as far as he was aware there had been another woman but he was unsure what was happening with the Charm woman. He called out gently as he entered her room, unwilling to take any more scars to his body just yet, the wounds from the war were still fresh.

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