good luck has it's storms

Word Count » 000 :: Out of character text here.

As Analise shot off, only a few minutes passed before she was no longer alone. She didn't let her hopes rise, because she knew it was too fast for Leon to return. The door opened a jar and a shadowy figure emerged. Andrej. 'Io he said, placidly, understandable tired, it was very late. 'Andrej' she said, smiling faintly. The cat snaked over to the cut hole in the door leading towards the closet. 'Come on' he ordered sleepily, while he didn't doubt Io would do this of her own accord, she'd proabably put it off til it was too late. The russet and white femme rose shakily, moving slowly and steadily, she soon moved herself to the closet. Laying down on the thick furs, she waited, staying mostly silent through the pain.

She had waited patiently. Though they had taken a long enough time to get back. Leon called out, and Io lifted her head towards the curtain. 'Leon, come in' her voice had a strange kind of urgancy to it, all she really wanted was company. Andrej was here, though his stoic sarcasm was far from what she desired. She wanted her family, those she loved. And for all he had done, Leon was family. Analise had gone to find Aeron, probably with her cats, Io supposed. She had thought of asking Andrej, but he probably wouldn't know, seeing as he usually kept to his room.

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