I just really don't get it

Word Count » 000 :: Out of character text here.

Io stayed uncharacteristically silent through Saxif's words. Did that mean he'd spoken of the incident? Most probably so. Though as Aeron looked away, steel gray orbs shot daggers towards the golden girl, warning to stay silent. Her bushy tail flicked behind her in irritation, all hopefully without Aeron noticing. She couldn't know, she just couldn't because it could ruin everything herself and Leon had worked for. Especially with the B&B. It was in prehensible reach of finally getting fixed up and there was no way they could do within Leon's experties. His height and strenght would aid greatly and of course if the secret every leaked, Io would have to take Leon's side.

'Yes, what has he told you?' she asked, a hint of urgancy in her voice. Desperate to know if he had spoken of his dirty deed, though she did not want vocal notification, just a small sign in the girl's actions to tell her he had. The idea sickened her. Why would he spread it around, was he proud of it? She had warned him to speak of this to no one, but it seemed he had broken her rule. If he had told her then perhaps he had told others. Fury filled Io's mind, but showed nothing on her face.

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