A dream is a wish your heart makes
not posting order now. Wasn't counting on this many people to jump in

Shiloh agreed with Rendall after she checked Sarian. Sarian was still damp and was shivering despite Shiloh's warmth. She was about to say that they should go when Jace showed up, not bothering to ask Shiloh what was going on but stood between her and Aleo. Shiloh felt Sarian whine and burrow deeper into her sling as a breeze goes by. Shiloh was worried about Sarian not being able to make it if they didn't go inside soon. "J...jace... I fffound a pup.... her m...mother a...and siblings are de...dead. I n....need t...to g...get in s...side.... Sarian is still damp," said Shiloh looking at each of the woman then to Aleo.

Shiloh tapped Rendall softly and started walking, whisoering her thanks to the woman for taking her things. She looked back a Jace and smiled. She knew the woman didn't really like her but had come to her aid. Sarian whined again and Shiloh started to hum the song she sung to her brother, calming the already exhausted pup.

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