set fire to the rain
Achievements & Etc.
Word of the Day

    1. pansophy (10 November 2010)

      At first he scented something vaguely familiar, but then, after another deep sniff, realized he had sensed this smell many times before, it was a near pansophy for the male, even if the signs were faint.

    2. junket (6 November 2011)

      Usually, he was not this upfront, but his curiosity got the best of him; he wondered if she was on a junket, or if she was searching for something or doing some sort of business trip.

    3. queans (5 November 2011)

      He heard of the more developed Luperci, how the women were queans, never committing themselves to one male and how the men killed the ones they considered mutts for sport or revenge for injured egos.

    4. prehensible (4 November 2011)

      In any other circumstance, he would not care to see such a sight, but being in a foreign land, it made him nervous; he heard tales while venturing that there was a pack of humanized canines that may or may not enslave feral wolves, and Mordecai, with his lack of knowledge of things and prehensible, was not going to ask the figure if that rumor was true and managed to pass by without encountering the other.

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