heavy in your arms [p]

OOC: table by me

Bartholomew did not think twice about leaving the family he had created in Crimson Dreams because he needed the time alone, or with someone else other than them. Plus, Bartholomew did spend the time away from the children because of Mars' fear that they would realize that their father was batshit crazy. It wasn't like the children were not already aware of it because of the changes of mood and the way that some days, he would simply leave without a word to them, or without him acknowledging their existence. The children were going to be tipped off one of these days, and it only struck him as odd that they had not asked Krystalle about it yet. Or maybe they did, and Bart did know that it was unlikely that the woman would lie to them. Maybe the children were scared of the truth and that was why they didn't ask.

Bartholomew traveled far north to try and get away from the children. His white coat was hugging his body, the otter fur tied around his waist as a belt/skirt thing that he had made around the time that he met Ouija, whom was Mars' boyfriend of sorts. Maybe the reason he had come so far north was to seek out the male in hopes for a good time or something. Bartholomew wasn't all too clear on his reasons for wandering so far north, so it was a mystery in itself. Maybe he just wanted to stay away from that pack, and away from that home that was his and Mars'.

Night had well swallowed the land as the male continued to stalk around. He had come upon a clearing where there was a woman sitting, looking at the stars and a horse that looked very similar to Vox. He almost mistook the horse to be the stallion but realized that the marking were off, if just by a little bit. Hey there lady, ya' know yerr horse looks like uh, mah brotha's. he randomly called out to the woman a sly smile on his handsome maw. Whatcha' doin' out here all 'lone-like? he asked her, coming up and sitting down next to her.

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