You've let your face grow long

"Mum didn't teach me much of anything, actually. My da took care of me" She replied curtly, the bird cheeping at her right after she spoke. "Oh you talk. Stupid bird." But she still couldn't exactly tell what it was saying. Ember was just learning the low-speech of animals, learning how to listen for it, and birds were especially difficult. "It keeps saying "wing wing wing wing wing!" Like I can do something about it." Not only was Ember not knowledgable about herbs, but she was a non-shifter by preference. So no thumbs.

Only then did she turn back to see who was speaking to her. Her brow creased and all thoughts of the bird were forgotten, for the time being. "Dierdre?'re her mother, aren't you? I don't remember a lot of who I met when I was younger, but I do think that you look really familiar"


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