it won't snow where she is going
[html]The small woman sat back relaxed on the massive stallion as the other horse and rider came within reach on the shore. She smiled lightly at the greeting, assuming it was for Saol and not her. She shook her head slightly and chuckled. "He's already vain enough.." she said as she patted his neck softly, adding, "I'm Zana Lykoi," her eyes trailing to the other woman, wondering just who she was. The scent was one she didn't recognize, but that was no surprise, she hardly knew any of the packs of the lands anymore. She really had her work cut out for her if she was going to lead a life in these parts.

Zana picked at a few stray burrs in Saol's mane as she stole a glance at the larger woman. She hadn't ever really been the jealous type when it came to other females, mostly she tried not to be noticed or take notice of them...but since her return to the clan she was realizing that she wondered just what she looked like in the eyes of others, besides a freak of nature when beauty was ever present all around her in different forms. The woman before her was no different than any of the other females she'd met, she was lovely in her own way, but different just the same.


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