Count by zero's to ten

She was growing bigger every day, according to her mother, but Ember couldn't tell the difference. Sure, her legs had gotten a bit longer, she'd gotten a little taller, but it happened in such a gradual way that she didn't notice it. Her adult size would be of a larger than average wolf, her father having been the same way. Shifted, he had been even bigger. She was afraid of heights, though, so it was probably best that she hadn't actually been able to fully shift yet. Even reaching the halfling form had made her dizzy and afraid.

"Ember." He didn't sound too horribly mean, but you couldn't judge people by the tone of their voice. Not their character, anyway. She hoped that she didn't sound too scared--she felt so stupid, getting her paw stuck like this. She was an adult, or nearing it, and needed to start taking care of herself better. It felt like she was always being saved by someone or another.

She risked one glance upwards and her eyes widened, ears folding back against her skull. He was certainly a sight, wasn't he. She didn't know if she'd ever seen anyone with scars like his; in the half-light she could see the ones that danced across his paws as he lifted each to step toward her, and when she looked farther up, at least one more on his face. What had happened? She was more intrigued than afraid--and his eyes, too. What an odd color. Ember shrank back a little to give him room as he neared, still unsure of his intent. It hurt too badly for her to pull it out any more, and each small movement that she made brought small sparks of pain. So no running away.

"A-ahh.." He struck gold, and she bit back a yelp. He'd only barely grazed her skin with his paw, but a streak of pain ran up her leg like lightning.


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