Count by zero's to ten

Though the fog in his head seemed to be slowly clearing, the hybrid still had a hard time immediately remembering things that lay behind the short-term. Otherwise, he might have more quickly recognized the name offered by the girl, and he might have also been more able to recognize her by scent, considering she was yet another child of a cousin of his. Still, their present situation could very well be an excuse for his scattered mind. They needed to get out before the water rose anymore; he could figure out who she was later. For similar reasons, Laruku didn't really notice any reactions to his appearance; it was dark anyway, and most of the people he'd encountered in recent memory had no comments to make in that regard.

He did notice that she was in pain though, and tried to navigate the muddy depths more carefully. From what he could tell, her paw had slipped into a narrow crack in the ground, guided in by the slipperiness of the mud and water. The only thing to do now was pretty much to force it out; it would be painful, but it was better than sticking around. The coyotewolf sighed and stepped back from Ember. The rain seemed to be coming down harder outside. He didn't want to have to shift and shift back, and even going halfling would take time. Though she was female and far younger, they were probably rather similar in weight, which was a huge disadvantage for what he wanted to try. But he still had momentum and it was the best alternative he could think of. He didn't feel like explaining that it would probably hurt really badly. Better to get it over with.

Laruku took a few more steps back and then charged towards the femme, aiming to knock most of his weight upward against her upper arm and shoulder to pull the trapped paw from the mud.


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