New Frontiers
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ooc: 735 words Nov. 6th poopy post.

A wandering heart knew no rest. It grew tired... exhausted, but never found the means to put itself at ease. It pained its host, drained the body of vital life hoping to ail its own disease, but further distressed the body. She did not know how much of this wear she could take; how much more she was willing to endure. The longing of the heart grew nigh unbearable til at last she confessed her desires to kind ears. The Shishen... no, her friend had been kind to listen and understood the burden she bore. He did not look to her with discourteous eyes, nor turn his nose up at her wavering loyalties. Instead, he kindly took her hand of offer and agreed to let her show him what she desperately longed for.

Precious time could not be wasted. After many days without, she finally mustered the energy to greet the lands before the break of dawn. She needn't take anything other than her shoulder, herself and her companion. All else was a insignificant, in her eyes. So used to the light travel, if anything need be found, it could be sought in the wild or made by her hands. This venture would be a blessed return to what she knew and how she lived, and she hoped to share the experience with her friend.

Overhead the nameless owl kept a low circle around the auburn maned female as she withdrew from her den and set pace for the the border into the Wentworth Valley. She maintained a comfortable trot upon her four legs, Secui form recalling the sensation of stretch and recoil. It felt too long since she bothered to return to this form, though it couldn't have been more than a few days since last she was formed like this. Whispers of the primal mind scolded her for keeping such a proud form hidden away. Why conceal it like some dirty secret? How would he have felt to know this magnificent body was shrouded in secret? But for that matter, why did she care? Why be bothered with what some stranger might or might not have thought of her? He was nothing more than an enigma now, a fleeting image that needed to be buried and forgotten within the recesses of her mind. She needed to relinquish whatever attachment her feral mind had to him and regain some kind of normality to pull her from this slump. Normality found in the comfort of the wild, shared with her respect Shishen.

She needed to hurry. The test of her powerful legs came when she at last broke into a sprint for the borders. Her legs working rhythmically in harmony, carving a path through the crisp morning greens to the start of their adventure. Undoubtedly Jaden was ahead of her, unless of course the warrior chose to take a leisurely stroll same as she before commencing their travels. Her companion sounded overheard rising from his protective circle over his master to scout ahead into the nearing thick of the woods. It dove into the trees, leading the female on in soft 'hoots'. X'yrin followed in silence, her senses awakening as she feel deeper into the wild's comforting embrace. As the longed for world opened before her, she shivered excitably, upon her lips the first real smile she had worn in a while. She paused a moment, inhaling the richness of unclaimed land, resurfacing the same allure she had felt those nights ago.

And upon her nose as well was the scent of her male companion, though he was no where to be seen. The woman's ears fell back, sounding a soft whine of distress fearing she had been left behind. His scent was fresh, only just marked and defined enough for her to track. Perhaps she could catch up to him if she hurried. It was her own fault for taking so long. She huffed soundly in disappointment, lowering her muzzle to the ground to follow the Shishen's scent. Literally, she crept around the base of a tree, her nose quivering in concentration as she circled it round and round again, nearly making herself dizzy in the act. Why had his scent stopped there? He couldn't have just vanished into thin air, and there was no other scent (familiar or otherwise) to indicate he was taken. He was simply... not there


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