fast pass down a one way track.
Dhalia was, in reality, actually quite pleased with herself. She's been sent on a mission with a message only to arrive back home to find the whole place burned to the ground. That wasn't the pleasing part of course, but rather the fact that she had simply crossed a mountain and found herself exactly where she needed to be. That in itself was enough to keep the girl from even giving a thought toward the sneer that had been directed her way, despite hardly ever letting anything get to her anyways. Ever curious, Dhalia still had to wonder what all the fuss was about. She had yet to see a wolf around, aside from on the other side of the mountain, and if Inferni was as all powerful as she had been made to believe, then they didn't have anything to be so worked up over, right? It hadn't yet occured to her that Conri might have been in the area and that she could have easily been mistaken for him were in not for the fact that all of her legs were still intact.

"It's important enough, but not life or death important. No reason to call him and get him running for the borders because of it." He was supposedly a busy man, after all, and Dhalia was certain that Ahemait wouldn't want her to disturb his work. "I'd imagine he'll make his way around to these parts at some point and I can wait until then. If you happen to see him and can tip him off that someone is waiting for him, though, then I wouldn't argue about it." Then, at the very least, him rushing off to the borders would be because of curiosity, rather than thinking there was something terribly important. "But for my message to hold any ounce of truth, it needs to come from me." In other words, she would indeed be staying. "Nonetheless, it is in regards to family. And I am Dhalia." As always, offering only her first name.

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