regrets collect like old friends
Terra had watched the wolf walk through the city. She laughed to herself when she saw her chew on the plastic. Only small children usually did that where she came from, as they quickly learned that plastic tastes bad and can make you choke. Since most coyotes were interested in surviving, they didn't chew on plastic. Dropping in behind her Terra followed the wolf down the street. The rubbish was annoying, but she'd deal with it.

Darting into an alley Terra morphed into her secui form. Scaring the wolf seemed like it would be fun. There weren't many around, and the city was strange. Most canines tended to be nervous when confronted with such a situation. It'd be easy to do, and amusing. Still acting stealthy Terra made sure to stay out of sight, hoping that the wolf would grow uneasy when she sensed her presence.

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