Through the looking glass

Necklace picture: Here

Packs came and left, this much was true. Naniko had not been out of Anathema in a long time and had not made rounds to the other packs to see many of them. Ichika was easy to visit because it was so close...but with the birth of the pups especially, she had not had much time to spare. Theodore had disappeared at just the wrong time for her, right before the pups were born, but she had Alaki now to help her out with things and canines to watch the pups when she needed it. It was nice to be able to get out and stretch her legs some more without having a whiny little brat trailing behind her.

A large horse was the first to notice her presence, and she made no movement toward it as it approached. In Anathema they used crows as scouts, having placed them at various points around the border and around the cave system...perhaps they used horses here. Who knew. It seemed as if this might be the case, as another canine soon approached. She held back, keeping her hand clear of her weapons-belt. She did not want to scare the other or give any indication of aggression. Naniko wore no clothing, just her weapons-belt, which carried two daggers on one side and a short axe on the other.

"Greetings." She said in return. The female said that she was the alpha female, words which perplexed her. Apparently there was a pack here, a brand new one from the smell of things. "Right. Well..I am Naniko D'Angelo--" She was interrupted by a new but familiar voice, a voice matched by the sight of a large black canine bounding toward the pair. "Gunnar" She said, head tilting to the side in thought. "I had been wondering where you'd gotten off to, boy. All joined up here, then?" She held no ill will in her voice; pack members were free to come and go from Anathema.

"I came to investigate this new pack...and bring a small token." She said, her hand moving to the small pouch on her weapons belt. She pulled a long necklace from it, one that she had carried with her since her last trip to the old human city. She'd used it for her Halloween costume as a queen, but had returned it to the pouch soon afterward. The Angela held the beads out to Anann. The necklace shone in the light as the sun's rays hit it, sparkling.

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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