good luck has it's storms

Word Count » 000

The sun will rise within your eyes,

Aeron laid on the floor in the room were she kept her cats. Zenna draped on the floor beside her eying her. The bright eyed cat never wanting to leave her side. Aeron smiled at the feline almost getting humor out of this. Mama you'll be ok right?" Zenna asked as she watch Aeron cringe in pain. Aeron had been in here for hours. They had gone out on a training mission and had come back when Aeron decided that she couldn't walk any longer. Now both cats sat watching Aeron almost paralyzed by pain.

Zenna Leave Aeron Alone" Thisle scolded looking at the younger cat. Aeron smiled as she laid there those two just really made her day. "Thisle be nice she's only t......Trying to hh..Help." Aeron said through the contraction. She felt like her insides were being ripped out of her. She curled into a ball more so on the floor. She could feel zenna moving closer to her trying to help. the poor young cat just didn't know what to do.

"Aeron" The voice it wasn't either feline. No it was Leon's daughter, the girl had nearly fallen over her rushing to her. Aeron just couldn't believe how funny she was finding this. "An....analise, wheres Io? Is she ok?" She spoke through gritted teeth. This pain a nightmare far worse then the first. Though before she had so much adrenalin coursing through her. "She's in labor, we've got to get you to her." She wanted Aeron to move this was insane she could hardly talk through this pain. Besides didn't Io have Leon? The idea made her sick. Charm had stayed only a few days before leaving Why Aeron was unsure nore did it matter. But when she had asked Io permission to bring her here Io seemed all to willing to take on Leon. Aeron looked at the girl. "I'm gonna need a hand." She stated getting a handle on the pain. Analise helped Aeron up the best she could as the two felines followed the pair to Aeron and Io's room.

Leon's scent hit her, it was something she was used to being late getting to Io Leon was always there first. She let go of the girl grabbing the wall with a clawed hand. Trying not to scream she accidentally bit her tongue. The matlic taste of blood lacing her mouth. Dear lord she was going to die wasn't she. She gave a faint whistle to Zenna who nodded. Zenna raced to Leon and Io, "Leon, in the second closet ms. aeron has more blankets furs and things." She stated looking at the man then looking at Io. Did Io truely want to be in this cramped space. A closet? she then turned not knowing what to do. Aeron slid herself along the wall of the room, Thisle walking along side her. She looked at Thisle, Go you do not need to stay." She figured she would run off. But she stayed by Aeron's side. Aeron moved to the bedding that the girls shared it too up a large portion of the back half. She was in Optime form if she shifted she would kill them. There was no way she'd fit in a closet with Io and Leon. But something made her want to be with Io, it was the love Aeron actually had for the woman. "Io..." Her name so faint as aeron hissed through more pain. Aeron stood shaky by the closet where Io was. She wasn't going to move from the spot if it killed her. "Io love, I'm here" She couldn't muster the strength to crawl through or even be in there she didn't want to feel cramped. She leaned into the wall as both felins sat next to her. She should be laying down but not she'd stand here because she would be there for Io this time. She would be there for her. "I love you." She managed to say.

The moon will light your smile.
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