fate itself
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

PM the Inferni account (or tell me here) about room claims. And yeah, we're reworking how we do our membership information so that topic was deleted. ^^ Keep your eyes open for the new one though. Word Count »

Ezekiel expected little submissiveness from his members, for his blood was far more coyote-based than that of his father. For this reason, he overlooked whatever mistake may have been committed—he recognized the difference between wolves and coyotes in the base nature and did not expect his clan to deign to wolfish behavior. They were hybrids, yes, but at heart Inferni was based around coyote ideals. One day, he hoped that they would see more coyote blood linger.

The questions were met with another plastic smile. “Hybrid remains, though he’s…well, he’s mad.” Blunt, as always. He didn’t think there was a nice way to explain his uncle better than that. “There have been no Mogotsi’s since my mother left, and I haven’t seen any of my father’s siblings in years. Kaena could tell you more, though—she lives in the Mansion these days.” Ezekiel hadn’t understood the truth of the matter, really, and imagined she had chosen such a fate. She was ancient, after all. “Head in that direction,” he gestured, red hand motioning eastward. “You’ll find it soon enough.”

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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