Count by zero's to ten

Laruku, he corrected simply, looking down at where she'd fallen, sprawled across the ground. It had been a long time since he'd seen Ember, and it was more than likely that she was gone in one sense or another. Whether she'd been killed or simply abandoned the lands was a complete mystery to him, but as Storm no longer existed, he had no where to go to look for her, even if he could be bothered. But when he thought about it, he could mostly remember what she'd looked like: jet black, just like the girl before him, but there was no way it could be the same person. The Ember he'd known would be far older now, perhaps two or even three years old. It had been a long time ago. I knew a girl named Ember once, he told the new Ember, She looked just like you.

It could hardly be a coincidence. One or both of her parents must have known the original, and as he thought about it, he sort of thought that this Ember did look familiar in a different way. But all he could smell was rock and rain, so any scent familiarity was utterly lost to him. Still, Who're your parents?


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