The waiting game

The blonde gagged and coughed when the horrid stench reached her. She quickly threw her hand over her nose. Ibycus, dear me brother what demon have you released?! The huntress was quick to exit the room. She would take bat crap over that any day. She took a huge breath in relieved to be free from that room. She looked to Ibycus and felt a laugh start to bubble within her. Before she knew it she was in knee slapping hysterics. You should have seen your face. She did an exaggerated mimic of his expression. I can’t believe that smell. Can you believe that smell? She said through gasping whoops of laughter.

She threw her arm over the male’s shoulder shaking him lightly. I doubt we’ll meet anything more dangerous than that. She chuckled. Come let us see what else this place holds. She lead the male away from the kitchen. Lets make a deal, no more throwing doors wide open before taking a whiff first. She giggled.

It wasn’t far to the next corridors that lead to the quarters of the ship. She tried the first grand entryway and as she promised she carefully opened the door. With a large grin upon her maw she brought her nose to the opening and sniffed. She fought laughter as she spoke. All clear, smells like metal, old wood and little critters.

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