Count by zero's to ten

Laruku had had a namesake too, an entire pack. An entire pack that he had let die in the fire because he was unwilling to bring himself to rebuild it. He wondered what his mother would think, or if she even knew, what he had done to the thing she had loved most. Did ghosts ever fade away completely? Were they bound to the place they were buried? And if they were, what was she thinking now, floating over nothing but dead trees and ashes? He had never really deserved the name he'd been given, and it had been a while since he'd even offered his surname when prompted for a general title. It was ironic too, that only one of his children carried the Tears name, and as far as he knew, she lived in Inferni. Irony always left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Your mother's my cousin, he told the girl, taking a seat. The relation of "cousin" could hardly begin to describe their strange and strained relationship though, or whatever anyone wanted to call it. And he had only ever known Phoenix as the alpha of Storm or else Iskata's mate, but he supposed the much larger male had been a good enough guy. Laruku wondered what had happened to him, but wasn't sure it was entirely appropriate to ask. Social etiquette had escaped him too often in his youth, but though much older now, he still failed to grasp them. I didn't know Ember for all that long. By the sounds of it, if Phoenix didn't want to talk about it, then she's probably dead.

It was a depressing conclusion, probably, but he couldn't really feel sad about it. It had been too long, and too many other people had died. I taught her to play piano was all. It had indeed been a lifetime ago. Laruku himself had not played in more than a year, most likely.


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