
The golden dog cocked an eyebrow, bemused by her expressions...her manner of speech fell strange on his ears. As a dog who had once fancied himself a story teller, he recognized the poetry in her words, but he didn't understand its application here. Thus, when first confronted with her question, he paused a moment, gathering his thoughts. Is she asking me what I am not, or to outline myself? Her speech is awkward to me...but probably not unpleasant, if I can get into the rhythm of it. She was a strange one, alright, but that wasn't a bad thing.

"You find me puzzled, Ms. Cresceno, for your query is unclear to me. If it is the w0lf you wish to know, I can but do my best, but to tell you what he is not is something altogether new to me. A good friend would not have been chained by obligation as I have, and a hero would not have made my mistakes no more than a heroine would yours. A monster would do things that I have done, but for other reasons, while a hero might not, for fear of sullying his name. A true vagabond would not have become bound to this place as I, but none other than that very same nomad would have come so far." He wasn't sure how well he was doing, but he was giving it a shot. Not much more could be asked.

"I am a warrior, and have known the roles of guardian, crusader, mercenary, scout, sergeant, seeker, and war leader. I have known the title Skoll Axehand, and slain many w0lves, and defeated many others. I have seen many horrors, and the depths to which a lupine soul can sink. I have known great success and I have known great failure, love and heartbreak. I do not know what else can be said, save that I am Skoll, and have lived long to have known and done all of these things."

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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