another sacrifice will make us pure

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; Sure, that is fine. I'm slow and forget things too so yeah; 309 words

The girl thought about the words before she finally ended up nodding. That sounded to be the best explanation so far. It was better than anything that she could some up with. She only knew that the others smelled weird but she was unable to explain exactly what it was that made the others smell weird. "Yes, you don't smell like a coyote or a stinky." And those were the only two species that she could recognize, though only when there was a higher percentage of one versus the other. Everything else to her just simply smelled weird. She knew nothing about hybrids or that there was anything more than coyotes and wolves.

Symera gave a nod of her head in affirmation of the offer that she had previously made. Yes, she could hunt them. Granted she hadn't tried it on her own yet but she was confident enough that she would be able to manage at least. "Stinkies are stupid so they are easy to hunt." Or such had been her experience with them thus far. Then again she would never relate brains to the savagery the she had experienced with the species. To her they were just mindless animals that needed to be gotten rid of.

It was true, Symera didn't know what it was to have an easy life. She had already experienced that it was kill or be killed when she was outside of Inferni. Of course it showed just which option that she chose. She was more likely to be vigilant and seek to slaughter any stinky that she came across rather than waiting for it to attack her first. While she didn't have the training she most certainly had the warrior's spirit. She was ready and willing to fight for her survival, as well as to maintain the home that she had found.

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