And I swear that I don't have a gun

cry. also, my laptop died a few days ago, so now i have found a really old and awful one. boo this sucks.

[Image: tablespacer.jpg]

He would do as she said for now, but as soon as she would turn her back away, his hand would probably settle upon the bandage. It was a pain he was not used to, it was pain and nothing else. His eyes detached themselves from the bandages and met hers. He was met with warmth, and his baby blue orbs reflected it perfectly. Her words warmed as much as simple words could, but not much more unfortunately. He was what he was, it had not been his choice to rot. So sad.

He slowly let his hand rise, and for once it did not settle upon his bandaged chest, but it found her hand that was so softly stroking his cheek, and he pulled it gently. Come here, gal. A soft smile completely stripped for the hint of cruelty that almost always was present. I need some therapy right away, don’t go. If she just wanted to sit with him and keep him company just for a little while longer. He did not want to be drunk and beaten up alone.


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