Broken By War

The woman that came to them was a strange mix of blacks and whites unlike anything he had ever seen before and he gave the woman a short bow and thanked her for coming so quickly. He provided support to Saxif as they both dismounted and let the golden woman speak for them both about the war. The long gash down his nose throbbed and the man reigned in a hiss of pain, if she knew it was bothering him then Saxif would demand that he be treated first at the expense of her own health and overall well being so he said nothing and made no face or sound to indicate his pain, a master of disguise almost.

He kept her upright as another dizzy spell wracked through her body, she need not fear falling when he held her, the man could keep her steady with the strength of his arms alone if he had to. Careful not to jostle her broken arm he guided her forwards into the woman's cave. Looking around the cave's contents was of second importance to him as Saxif demanded all of his attention,

"You can sleep after you are being treated." He said in a no nonsense tone and looked at her with a hard gaze. He knew she wanted him to leave as well and she said so, he shook his head however. He was not leaving her alone with only Panda to care for her, what if she needed help or something like that? No, he was not leaving her, not like this.

"You should be knowing me better by this time to know that I will not leave you when you are hurt." His words were final and their was pretty much nothing she could say that would change his mind, she was his friend and friends did not abandon friends.

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