regrets collect like old friends
You guys reply so quickly! I can't keep up ;D

Whoever was enjoying taunting the two older wolves was irritating, to say the least. Él never took well to games she couldn't control, and she certainly didn't enjoy being treated this way. The older woman looked into the dark alley, the figure's shadow having disappeared. This wasn't something she wanted right now. She stayed exactly where she was, choosing to sit on the concrete, ashy tail wrapped tightly around her small frame. Él turned her attetion to the man, who had quite nicely stayed with her. "I am too, I do not enjoy games zees days," She appreciated his company; if he was around, the chance of her getting attacked would probably decrease significantly.

He offered to be her escort, and the dusty woman nodded, a small smile creeping up on her aged lips. "Zhat would be vonderful, merci," He was of the same mind as she was, and the loner appreciated the company. He mentioned lonliness, and she chuckled. "I'hve been alone for most of ma life, so eet doez not bother me too much. I am Éloise, by zee way," Her smile grew larger as her mind drifted away from the young wolf trying to cause trouble. He was a kind soul, and she appreciated him being there.


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