deep in the woods where the lost souls hide;;

Ever since the terrifying experience with that shifting freak Adelaida had lain lower than before. Compared to the shape shifter who had called herself Natt, the coyote she had encountered seemed like a child, or at least he had acted like one. And physically, Adelaida decided that she would rather get in a fight with a coyote than a werewolf, although what if the coyotes could shift too? That would be the worse of all, and Adelaida hoped that the coyotes had not the ability to do so, if she saw Umbra agains he would have to ask him, as she had forgotten last time. Either way, she decided she had enough of these freaks for a while, and after escaping Natt she had not bothered to wander too much. She had stayed in the Dampwoods, hiding out in all the places she had known of before, only leaving her hideouts to move location if someone was too close or if she needed food.

It was the need for food which drove her out now. The rain had started and was growing thicker, it might even storm later, and while she did not enjoy the rolling thunder she found that most of the other wolves and coyotes sought shelter as well, so she would be alone. Which also made hunting harder, as prey hide in their burrows and nests, but she had stumbles upon prey in storms and could do so again. And if she didn’t, at least she didn’t fall victim to one of those… monsters. The creamy female with the chocolate mask and boots shuddered to think of Natt, and how horrible the others might be as well.

As Adelaida continued through the woods and her pelt absorbed more and more water until she could become no wetter, the female was beginning to loose heart. The scent of wet earth helped to mask prey animals’ scents, and even when she found one it was hard to follow. None of the burrows she had come across had been filled and her stomach constantly reminded her of how long it had been since she had last eaten. Adelaida was about to turn around when she did catch a scent that was impossible to ignore. Her sister. How? Adelaida tried to follow the scent but it became broken. However it was fresh, so she couldn’t have gone far. Relying more on memory than on her nose, Adelaida followed the practically invisible trails, so overgrown with brush, she and her family had used before they had ever left the lands. One of these trails, on which she found Alexey’s scent often, went past that cabin. Adelaida had avoided it, never really interested in the human’s artifacts, but perhaps…

"Alexey!" It had been a little less than an hour since she had first scented her sister, but there in the cabin with her rodent friend, Pickles, was her sister, in the flesh. Her brilliant blue eyes took in the sight; it hadn’t seemed real until now, now that she saw her sister had actually returned. Breaking into a grin, forgetting in her surprise that if Alexey had returned that probably meant that their father had finally passed, she was too overjoyed to see her sibling that she could think of nothing sensible to say except again for her name. "Alexey! You came home."


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