Sunrise on a New Day
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Where had Apollo gotten to? Sirius put his nose to the ground, frowning. His brother's scent was all over the place, like usual, but he couldn't find any definite trails. His nose wasn't very good, though, he supposed. He had learned that his tracking would improve with time, as he grew older, and he was really looking forward to it. His father was a great tracker and hunter...and he definitely wanted to grow up and do well in those areas, too. It'd benifit whatever pack he lived in, be it Shadowed Sun or any other.

The small, coyote-like youth came out of the herb shed and into the view of the manor, green eyes searching up and down the many paths that led away from the building. He would find his brother and tell him what was going on, about how he had moved to Shadowed Sun. He wanted to know how the others here were doing, and if Tali had gone away like Sirius knew he had been planning to.

"Polly! Where is you at, Polly? I's going to find you and give you's a piece of my mind!" Why was his brother hiding from him like this? He really needed to talk to him!

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