As We Know It
Terra stretched out before jolting awake. She wasn't in her mattress. In fact, she wasn't even on pack grounds! She'd have to travel a fair distance before she reached there. Nosing through the rubbish around her Terra realized she must have moved out from the city, leaving it behind. She hadn't paid attention to which direction though, so Terra wasn't sure if she was closer or farther from her pack.

Shaking herself Terra began trotting over the lands, thinking about breakfast. A fresh catch would be welcome, but it was terribly unlikely. Her skills at hunting were poor at best, and troublesome at the worst. Going hungry was an experience she was used to, though it took more out of her now. Terra wouldn't be able to shift without food to fuel her, at least not without a terrible price. As such she was stuck in lupine form until she ate. That didn't bother her overly much, as it was the form she had grown up in and had the most experience with. Terra had used her secui form a few times while traveling to the land, but her optime form had only been used recently after she had joined a pack.

Terra paused as she scented the wind. She didn't smell any prey, but she did smell wolves. Other canine's instincts would have screamed to avoid the encounter. She couldn't fight to defend herself and the wolves were unknown. She had other instincts guiding her though, ones that told her that even if they tried to kill her they would probably have food, and stealing would be an easy task. Terra trotted to the edge of their encampment and crouched, waiting. If they welcomed her Terra would come down, if not she would just take what she wanted. Manners had never been overly important to her.

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