throw a stone and watch the ripples flow

Word Count :: 000 Rawr :3

She padded quickly toward the border area. Her nose worked through the various scents to locate that of the stranger, pinpointing them and heading toward it as swiftly as she could. The leader's mind was working at something serious, a thought that had been rattling around for a couple of days. Would Alaki recover from his bloodlust? The sub-leader's mate had left him for another and both canines had fled Anathema. This had left the leader in a predicament...Alaki had wanted to follow them and hunt them down. She'd managed to stop him, but it had taken the help of Grace and one other packmember to subdue the Rakeeb and get him into the cave. Once locked away, Alaki had cursed Matteo, Gemma, and eventually her for locking him up. He was still in there now, with Grace acting as a watchdog. It had taken several canines to move the boulder in front of his door and it would take the same amount to move it back...but she still worried.

Naniko emerged from the brush, looking this way and that. She never left Optime and was in that form today, standing tall on two long legs. She wore no clothing, a simple weapons-belt cinched tightly around her waist. There weren't many obviously offensive weapons on it, only an axe on one side and two daggers on the other. One was her ceremonial dagger, which she used for only that purpose, the other a simple non-decorated one. Nonetheless, she kept one hand within reach of the shorter of the two daggers as she approached. One could never be sure of what they would find, even if the stranger had announced their presence with a howl. "Hello?" She called, jade eyes moving sharply over her surroundings.

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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