Just the three of us {AW}

You name it whatever you want. So I take it, you'd like a little girl bunny then? Sadra watched Jobe carefully as Siri reached out to touch him. Unlike Honey, Jobe wouldnt run away but he was known to bite if he didnt want messed with. Since the buck had come over and plopped himself right infront of him though, Sadra was sure he wanted the attention. Still she wanted to be ready to thump him if he bit at Siri.

"My Mom was named Dierdre." Those words had struck her hard. Was? She could only deduct that somehow Siri had lost his mother already in his short life. She was curious to find out who 'Da' was too. So, who is Da? Maybe I should meet them if your goin to be coming over to see Honey and Jobe often. Just so they know who you're with.

THere are a few ways to tell girl and boy bunnies apart from one another. Just like wolves or any other creature. She wasnt sure how deep she should get into this topic or how much anatomy the pup might already know. Scent is one way, but that usually only works with those that are formiliar with rabbits. Which by the time the bunnies are born, you might be able to tell the difference. Ill teach you the other ways when the bunnies are born. So you can practice yourself too, okay?

Lifting Honey off her lap and sitting her next to Jobe, Sadra got up and headed towards the door way into her den where her cart leaned against the outside of the of the bank she had made her home in. She had finished making the storage areas yet, so she hadnt had a need to unpack her things yet. It was filled with rolls of leather, wire for cages, and a few boards for whatever needed. Various traps of all types and sizes hung fromt he sides. A leather pack sat on top and sadra grabbed it and headed back towards Siri. I've got something for you Pulling out a small pouch, closed with drawstrings, she opened and dumped the contents into the palm of her paw. There were four little bone charms, each with a small metal ring for placing on a necklace or braclet. Pick one. There was a Buffalo, Hawk, Squirrel and Rabbit.


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