Here I Go Again
blagh sorry for taking forever also Big Grin Enzo finds those pools?

He had got nowhere near close to exploring all that Casa di Cavalieri had to offer a young and inquisitive male but he had given it a good go, first following the borders all the way around until he had returned to his starting point and then picking a random direction and setting off in it. The walk upon lands that belonged to him had been exhilarating and very freeing. Not having to deal with overbearing relatives and well meaning pack mates who would report his every move. The coast had fascinated him and he had spent several hours wandering alone the beaches and cliffs, examining rock pools and on one occasion running from the tide as it swept inwards.

But now he was sat with his father in the courthouse his great form sprawled across the sofa and taking up nearly all of it. The boy hoped that his growth spurt stopped soon otherwise he'd be even more of a gangly lanky stick than he already was, not to mention he would outgrow his father which was strangely blasphemous in its own right. The two talked gently to one another, father and son and Enzo wondered if he would ever sire children at all, the idea of squalling demanding lives dependent on him to survive made him cringe, no Lorenzo wasn't going to have children any time soon

Eh, I took a look 'roung the old place. He said, falling into his easy and accented patterns of speech. During his young life Enzo had unknowingly targeted the scottish accents within his father's tones and had built upon that until he spoke with more of an accent than Jazper himself did, at the mention of his mother the boy felt a slab of guilt slide down into his chect and stick there,

Augh, She was fine seeming when ah left her. Deedn't say much tah me. Told meh she loved meh and to give you ah good luck from her. He knew they had argued over it, and had been the only one of the five children to hear it straight from their mouths although the quarreling pair had not know he was lurking about.

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