I've got a pocket full of sunshine.

"That's right," he nodded, reaffirming what he'd said earlier. "As for your pack...you should be ready, in case a friendly pack needs assistance. Even if Inferni avoids you, your friends and loved ones may belong to other packs who Inferni does not fear, and in that way you may find yourself with an obligation to help the oppressed. After all, if it was only myself that I had to protect, I would fear no one, because I generally respect borders, and am a very difficult target...too much so for any half-way intelligent thug to attack." This was true. Barring SteelRose, who had come for him based on the knowledge that he would be a challenging opponent, he would have no enemies if he kept to himself and let the wicked have their way with their victims. Even Urbald and Glaesring, who had initially come to kill him for starting a war, would have never heard of him had he not gone out to rescue Jarret and Lonnie.

"I'm glad to hear that you and Conri are having good luck, though I am aggrieved that he has been hurt. I haven't seen him since he was a pup...I should make a point to meet with him sometime in the future. Maybe teach a few fighting techniques for the next time he has a run-in with one of the Infernians...which he almost certainly will, given their history." The large wolf didn't know that Conri had lost an arm...it would come as quite a shock to learn, especially to now that he was not only injured but held down by responsibilities here, preventing him from going out and taking care of the person who stole the arm from his friends' son.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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