As We Know It
As soon as she heard the cry of welcome Terra perked up. Turning away from the pair below she trotted over to the wolf. Hello. What brings you out on this fine day? Curious she sniffed in his direction. He smelled of many wolves, but the scent wasn't blended enough for her to think of it as a pack. Maybe it was a traveling group, or people that he was living with. The scent was beginning to merge, so Terra didn't press about it. Aggravating a larger canine was rarely a good idea. That didn't mean she didn't do it, just that she thought about it first. Having found someone much more interesting Terra turned her back to the silent wolves below her. While she would have stolen from them if given the chance, Terra would take the easier route when presented. Being welcomed was much better.

I myself was visiting Halifax. I seem to have gotten myself turned a bit around though. Terra laughed to herself. She didn't really mind not knowing where she was, as long as she was secure for the winter. A pack was preferable, but Terra thought she could find her way back to Cour des Miracles given time. Right now though, the sun was shining and she was happy. Even with it bright and early Terra found herself ready to begin her day. Of course, that meant she would actually have to try and get something to eat. She didn't like that. Her hunting skills were lousy, so if she wasn't close to the pack she'd probably end up spending the better part of the day looking for prey. If she didn't find more convenient food that is.

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