spiral staircase straight through the gates of..
Definitely!! -Finds it kind of =( that Anselm hasn't threaded with everyone from Inferni yet, but figures if she starts enough AW threads sooner or later she'll meet people.- xD

!@#$%He had just cracked through the femur when the single word assaulted his ears, which flicked in response. Snorting the blood out of his nose, he now inhaled deeply and found a familiar scent had grown in potency. Had he been that absorbed in his meal? Perhaps it was so. He looked about casually for the source of the sound, and before long his gaze rose to settle upon the "comrade" perched above: Samael. He still remembered all of their names from Inferni's first meeting in the new lands. Other than Kirin, there was nobody here that he didn't know by scent, visage, and title--and even in the newcomer's case, he knew the scent. Anselm took his job as spy and scout seriously.

!@#$%Red eyes remained settled on the form above, even as he applied pressure with his tongue to lick at the marrow inside of his bone. Even though he had seen the coyote before, he decided he had never taken much time to look at him. The other appeared rather scrawny--remarkably so, even for his species. Anselm definitely had a wolfish build, so arguably most of them were small by comparison. Then again, Anselm also loved food. He was always well fed, even when he had to fight for his meals. Even when he had to take kills down by himself. Always.
!@#$%His gaze now drifted lazily to the remainder of the kill, then back up to the younger male above: "You aren't?" An implicit invitation--Anselm had already had his fill, and he didn't mind sharing with the members of the clan. In times like these, they would all need the strength and energy they could get.

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